full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kalika Bali: The giant leaps in language technology -- and who's left behind

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, what this means is that resource-rich languages have technologies bulit for them, so researchers and technologists get attracted towards them. They build more tghnoeoilecs for them. They cretae more resources. So it's like a rich getting richer kind of a cycle. And the resource-poor languages stay poor, there's no technology for them, nobody works for them. And this ddviie, daiitgl divide between languages is ever-expanding and by implication also the divide between the communities that speak these languages is expanding.

Open Cloze

Now, what this means is that resource-rich languages have technologies _____ for them, so researchers and technologists get attracted towards them. They build more ____________ for them. They ______ more resources. So it's like a rich getting richer kind of a cycle. And the resource-poor languages stay poor, there's no technology for them, nobody works for them. And this ______, _______ divide between languages is ever-expanding and by implication also the divide between the communities that speak these languages is expanding.


  1. create
  2. digital
  3. technologies
  4. built
  5. divide

Original Text

Now, what this means is that resource-rich languages have technologies built for them, so researchers and technologists get attracted towards them. They build more technologies for them. They create more resources. So it's like a rich getting richer kind of a cycle. And the resource-poor languages stay poor, there's no technology for them, nobody works for them. And this divide, digital divide between languages is ever-expanding and by implication also the divide between the communities that speak these languages is expanding.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
natural language 6
language technology 5
language processing 3
gond tribals 3
machine translation 2
giant leaps 2
million people 2
cgnet swara 2
gond community 2
language community 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
natural language processing 3

Important Words

  1. attracted
  2. build
  3. built
  4. communities
  5. create
  6. cycle
  7. digital
  8. divide
  9. expanding
  10. implication
  11. kind
  12. languages
  13. means
  14. poor
  15. researchers
  16. resources
  17. rich
  18. richer
  19. speak
  20. stay
  21. technologies
  22. technologists
  23. technology
  24. works